Whilst to some, perhaps more used to the hustle and bustle of towns and cities, the notion of village life might conjure up images of picturesque cottages but not a lot else, nothing could be further from the truth for the thriving local community of West Meon. There is an abundance of picture perfect cottages, it's true, but also numerous independent businesses from the fabulously stocked and co-operatively owned Village Shop, to cider makers, beautiful home-grown floristry, an artisan butcher's shop and natural & botanical hair & skincare producers & on-site barbershop to name but a few.
Flowers By The Bridge https://www.facebook.com/Flowersbythebridge
Barbershop Botanicals https://barbershopbotanicals.co.uk/
West Meon Village Shop https://www.facebook.com/West-Meon-Village-Shop-113833723326128
Cuppacheeno Cafe https://www.facebook.com/cuppacheeno
Buckingham's Artisan Butchery https://buckinghamsartisanbutchery.com/
Meon Valley Cider http://www.meonvalleycider.co.uk/
The Stable Gallery https://www.facebook.com/theStableGallery/